Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Big Senior Photo Session

Sometimes when you shoot a senior photo session you have a couple friends together for some shots. Sometimes even a small group. Today I did a group of 70...

I shot the Kenyon-Wanamingo High School Senior Class in two locations. We set up two off camera strobes and one on camera Canon 580EX. I also supplemented the group with some stage light. Probably should have had a tungsten filter, but knew I was going to shoot RAW and do some photoshopping anyway. We got by. They wanted one shot for the yearbook and then one "poster type" feeling one. Here are the results.I ran the group outside and shot about 25 exposures. EXPOSURE being the operative word. You see it's Minnesota hanging onto winter here...25 degrees and brutal windchill today. It was about 10:15AM so it certainly hadn't warmed up much for any of us.

A couple small groups asked for some shots afterwards which we nailed in a few short minutes. Got some great photographs from those.

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